yum install socat
socat TCP4-LISTEN:2003,fork TCP4:app.graphite.lpdomain.com:2003
This listen to port 2003 and send everything to the remote server app.graphite.lpdomain.com , to remote port 2003
I've done that in order to be able to send metric value to a remote graphite server that was not accessible from my server.
In order to send value to graphite , I've used the following :
echo Centralized.service.sandbox.test3 1234 `date +%s --date='30 minutes ago'` | nc -v my-proxy-server 2003
BTW, I was also suggested to use nc command, but it appears that this proxy tool is more primitive and doesn't support multiple connection apparently :
mkfifo backpipe
nc -k -l 2003 <backpipe | nc app.graphite.lpdomain.com 2003 1>backpipe
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