Sunday, January 5, 2014

Call jmx using simple script instead of jconsole

There’s option to call for jmx bean (attribute/operations) using the console only , without opening any jconsole.
Download the jmxterm open source
Then, type something like:

java -jar jmxterm-1.0-alpha-4-uber.jar java --url localhost:10099 -i script/getServiceStatus.txt

where the scripts/getServiceStatus.txt file is something like:

domain LpTag
bean LpTag:name=ServiceStatusManage
get ServiceStatus

My original post in nation (@liveperson )

jmxterm - a JMX tool using command line

Posted by Michael Zamir in R&D Tech forum on Jan 13, 2014 8:37:00 AM
Hello all

I've discovered recently an helpful jar that enables to query/execute a remote jmx server from command line.
This utility is an open-source , called jmxterm .

It enables you to access directly a JMX server , to query it or to execute operations on it, without having to open a jconsole.
It can be useful for automation and for the keyboard lover, like me or simply to check whether your server (local server or remote QA/CI server is up and healthy)
I'm using it for quickly checking the service status of my server (here in the example) or to run some trivial operation (clear cache etc ...)

Jar can be found here: \\tlvfs\Files\jmx  (most of you have it mapped under your drive T:\jmx )
I've also create a very simple batch and shell script file for easing your first steps, if any ... 

In order to use use it (assuming you're a windows OS user, but same is feasible for linux) , simply run the jmxterm.bat (or ) script , which simply calls the jar :

Example : get service status of my service :

./jmxterm.bat --url localhost:10099 -i script/getServiceStatus.txt
Welcome to JMX terminal. Type "help" for available commands.
#domain is set to LpTag
#bean is set to LpTag:name=ServiceStatusManage
#mbean = LpTag:name=ServiceStatusManage:
ServiceStatus = 3 - Service is up;

where the script/getServiceStatus.txt file looks as following:
domain LpTag
bean LpTag:name=ServiceStatusManage
get ServiceStatus
since I wanted to obtain the following bean attribute/operation:

Another example is to enter into the command line itself and to navigate within the tool : for ex, connect your jmx (using open command), then query the domains (domains command) or beans (beans command) and execute different kind of operations ...

cd T:\jmx

jmxterm example of direct use:
jmxterm.bat --url localhost:10099 -i script/getServiceStatus.txt
jmxterm.bat -l service:jmx:rmi://Hc1k:9588/jndi/rmi://hc1k:10099/hcserv
Welcome to JMX terminal. Type "help" for available commands.
#following commands are available to use:
about    - Display about page
bean     - Display or set current selected MBean.
beans    - List available beans under a domain or all domains
bye      - Terminate console and exit
close    - Close current JMX connection
domain   - Display or set current selected domain.
domains  - List all available domain names
exit     - Terminate console and exit
get      - Get value of MBean attribute(s)
help     - Display available commands or usage of a command
info     - Display detail information about an MBean
jvms     - List all running local JVM processes
open     - Open JMX session or display current connection
option   - Set options for command session
quit     - Terminate console and exit
run      - Invoke an MBean operation
set      - Set value of an MBean attribute

Configure your JVM to expose JMX: 
In order to configure your JVM to expose JMX , add the follow parameters to your JVM arguments:
The final rmi.server.hostname is used for exposing JMX to a specific domain (we can limit it).
Don't know currrently to add more info, but I remember there's another post about it. 
I've copied it from this link

Enjoy if you can ...

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