I've recently experienced this bad exception in my
linux machine, during load test I've launched
java.net.SocketException: Too many open files
After some google search + consultation with my colleague in production, I've learned the following:
ulimit -a
[root@tlvcib7 ~]# ulimit -a
core file size (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals (-i) 62827
max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files (-n) 256pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority (-r) 0
stack size (kbytes, -s) 10240
cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes (-u) 1024
virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks (-x) unlimited
This means that I'm allowed to open up to
256 file descriptors.
In order to modify it, in your own shell, do the following
ulimit -n 65536
from then, in your own shell, you'll have the limit set to 65536 (64*1024)
You can also define it in
For everyone
* hard nproc 65536
* soft nproc 65536
or more specifically for a given user
@student hard nproc 20
@faculty soft nproc 20
or as implemented in Shark @ LP (somehow, the above lines didn't do what I expected )
root hard nofile 32768
web hard nofile 32768
root soft nofile 32768
root soft nproc 32768
web soft nproc 32768
web soft nofile 32768
web - nofile 32768
The file descriptor being used are in
For ex, if your java process is
ls /proc/13336/fd0 105 112 12 127 134 141 149 156 163 170 178 185 192 2 206 213 220 228 235 242 25 259 27 34 41 49 56 63 70 78 85 921 106 113 120 128 135 142 15 157 164 171 179 186 193 20 207 214 221 229 236 243 250 26 28 35 42 5 57 64 71 79 86 9310 107 114 121 129 136 143 150 158 165 172 18 187 194 200 208 215 222 23 237 244 251 260 29 36 43 50 58 65 72 8 87 94100 108 115 122 13 137 144 151 159 166 173 180 188 195 201 209 216 223 230 238 245 252 261 3 37 44 51 59 66 73 80 88 95101 109 116 123 130 138 145 152 16 167 174 181 189 196 202 21 217 224 231 239 246 253 262 30 38 45 52 6 67 74 81 89 96102 11 117 124 131 139 146 153 160 168 175 182 19 197 203 210 218 225 232 24 247 254 263 31 39 46 53 60 68 75 82 9 97103 110 118 125 132 14 147 154 161 169 176 183 190 198 204 211 219 226 233 240 248 255 264 32 4 47 54 61 69 76 83 90 98104 111 119 126 133 140 148 155 162 17 177 184 191 199 205 212 22 227 234 241 249 258 266 33 40 48 55 62 7 77 84 91 99