Here are some useful commands :
- git init - for initializing the .git/ repository in your current directory
- git status - return which files should be committed etc ...
- git add - mark files for the repository , so you remember to commit them later on. Those file will become candidate for commit
- git add \*.java - will add recursively ALL the java files
- git commit -m "My comment about this commit" - obvious
- git branch -b BranchName - switch to the BranchName branch
- git checkout -b NewBranchName - copy your current branch into another NewBranchName
- git branch - show all your defined branches and indicate what is your current branch
- git reset --hard HEAD - revert to the HEAD version, overwirting any local change (hard)
- git merge show_michael (didn't use it yet)
Here are some good links (as it seems to me now that some bullet in my summary are incorrect)
Another tutorial suggested to me today :
And some interesting procedure for working with SVN while working with git:
git stash list
git stash drop <<== Delete stash
git stash list
git status
git stash <<== save in a stash backup all the dirty files (the one that were not committed. but not the ones which are not yet added only to git )
git stash list
git status
git checkout master <<== go to master , when your current branch is clean (no stash anymore)
svn update <<= update with SVN
git status
git add . <<= this is the quick way to get it all your svn update to your git
git status
git commit -m "svn update"
git status
git checkout oauth <<== return back to your working branch
git status
git merge master oauth <<== merge, for getting all the SVN update (but using git now)
git status
git stash apply <<== retrieve the stash dirty files ...
git status