First, we shape the building. Then, the building shapes us (W. Churchill)
Technologies qui montent
Embrace Constraints
There's never enough to go around. Not enough time. Not enough money. Not enough people.
That's a good thing.
Instead of freaking out about these constraints, embrace them. Let them guide you. Constraints drive innovation and force focus. Instead of trying to remove them, use them to your advantage.
SCALA DSL by Julian Dragus
Woman is not a man
Simply scale blog - scala for java regugees
Spring lecture
3.1 version major theme:
- profile
- no more need for web.xml
- high level cache
Environment before 3.1:
<bean profile="testing" />
in XML
< bean profile="dev" etc ... />
In java
public class AppConfig ...
pubic class UserService
check it later:
should considerate (but he may be wrong, according to victor), considerate using java instead of XML in order to create the bean config
How to activate (3 ways):
- java"profile1,profile2"
- ctx.getEnvironment().setActiveProfile()
- in your unit test@ActiveProfile("dev")
Other suggestion for using programmatically profile (as opposed to configuration)
Retrieve profile using interface
interface Dev
then, use your anntotation of your profile:
public class etc ...
Cache API
public Book find(bookname)
for deleting book from the cache
key : we can decide which key will be used
@cahceable(value="book" condition =@namelength>20)
use condition for telling caceh of spring whether we want to cache the book or not
Default simple implementation:
Simple CacheManager (in memory)
NOOpCacheManager (no real cache, nothing is stored)
run it using
Servlet 3.0
async servlet but also no more need to use web.xml
Incode define
Spring mobile : wurfle for getting info about device
Spring social - button for login through facebook , twitter
Security Spring
Then, we can decide if user is authorized to view certain URL ...
Disruptor lecture
see blog Thompson, Trisha Gee video
Debugger Time Travelling debugger
He used prezi ( ) for the presentation, which was apparently very good)
Cassandra lecture
add value with HP
increment by 1 support by server
Hector (Ran Tavori) for cassandra client lib
IRC #cassandra on freenode
Akka : actor on JVM , is scala based
Check it : , meet once a month
Have a look:
graylog, elastic search. May be used for distributed log.
check it for log4j log view
Gelf appender
drool fusion:
gelfino , logstack
JRebel vs HotSwap
Mockito: for unit test