Thursday, October 11, 2018

Working environment ... for mac / apple

Clipboard manager



BetterTouch (no free)

brew cask install minikube

+ you'll need to install virtualbox:
brew cask install virtualbox

When starting the minikube use the bellow command
minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.6.3 --cpus=4 --memory=4096 --disk-size=20g; eval $(minikube docker-env)

If you get the following error during the installation:Error: Unknown command: cask
​Run the following first, and then re-run the installation.
cd $(brew --repo); git fetch; git reset --hard origin/master; brew update​

Thursday, March 8, 2018

for loop example - for remote ssh

instead of mcollective:

for server in qtvr-els03  qtvr-els04  qtvr-els05  qtor-els601  qtor-els602  qtor-els603  qtvr-els005  qtvr-els0029 ; do ssh root@$server "hostname; /etc/init.d/elasticsearch status "; done

Or also
for server in `zoom --HF lpcluster=z2_elasticsearch_agent_manager_01 -f hostname`; do ssh $server 'echo $HOSTNAME'; done;

in another word:

for server in server1 server2 server3 ; do ssh root@$server "hostname; echo do something"; done

Very useful!